Starting from scratch…

I lost my whole Blue Flombingo blog in a site crash last year.  Ugh.

So here I am, starting everything back up from scratch!  It might take me a while to get things up and running correctly (and have it looking pretty, for that matter!!) , but it IS coming 🙂

Stay tuned!

Where to start?

It’s been SO LONG since I’ve done a blog post over here, I don’t even know where to begin!!

Do I start with new products?  Do I just talk about life in general?  Do I talk about fun stuff happening over at TLP?

I have no clue.

I suppose I’ll just post a little update!

While this blog was horribly neglected as it was, I had some massive website issues in the fall and I lost everything.  I did have many things backed up, but this blog was unfortunately not one of them.  I don’t even want to think about all that was lost (digiscrapping 101, folded corner tutorials, sketch template challenges, and on and on – UGH!).  But what can you do?  These things (unfortunately) happen.

I would like to be more pro-active with the blog this time around – I know many people use RSS feeds to stay up-to-date with their favorite blogs, so I’ve made sure to implement that here (hmmm – is that presumptuous of me to think that this might be anyone’s favorite blog?  HAHA).  I have re-structured so that the website’s homepage is this blog!  Easy access for anyone trying to find me and my designs.  People used to really enjoy the challenges I hosted here – I’d like to start doing that a little big again!

Now the design of the blog is a work in progress. I’m not sure if I’m in love with the current template, so the look might change from day-to-day until I find something that I’m totally happy with.

That’s enough blabbing from me.  Hopefully I will have some fun things in store for anyone who still cares to check in here!  😉